Consumer Privacy Act Request
Please add of the answers to the description section of the form.
Access Request
- Please send me a copy of the information All Charities Count Foundation has collected about me in the last twelve months.
Request to know
- Categories of personal information collected about me in the last 12 months
- Categories of sources from which the personal information about me was collected.
- Business purpose for which All Charities Count Foundation uses the personal information collected about me.
- Categories of third parties with whom All Charities Count Foundation share or has shared the personal information collected about me in the last twelve months.
Request for Deletion
- Please delete all personal information that All Charities Count Foundation has collected about me.
Request for OPT Out
- I do not want my personal information to be sold. Please cease and refrain from selling my personal information.
This request has been submitted through an agent on my behalf
(YES) / (NO)